“It happened right here, where you are standing now” project

Educational project It happened right here, where you are standing now
21 February – 1 March 2021
Where: outdoor space of Kwiatka Street in Płock
How often, while living, dealing with everyday matters or waiting for a bus to arrive, do we wonder about the fate of nearly 10,000 people who were brutally deported from the Płock ghetto at the turn of February and March 1941, directly from Kwiatka Street, former Szeroka Street? On the 80th anniversary of the deportation of Płock Jews, the Nobiscum Foundation wishes to recall this event by implementing an educational project in the space of the street. The information boards will include photos and information, as well as QR codes enabling you to directly visit the websites with the virtual exhibition “Płock Jews 1939-1945” and the film “Into the abyss of shadows”.